Sovereigns Paperback Boxed Set
Remember the feeling of getting your favorite series in a box? The joy of it all in one place? Or of purchasing the series with a design coming together on the spine as you gather them together?
Your wait is over. Four Stars over Ardatz: Sovereigns, what one young lady said was "everything a teen could want in a book", is now available as a boxed set with a picture of Shawnahur on Keenah fighting a walled castle.
Four sovereigns.
Two dragons.
One kingdom.
Peace evades them, but through it all, they’ll fight for family and their place in the history of Muintir—or die trying.
Follow Hest, Siobhan, and Mairead as they fight mages and enemies who want to strip their throne from them. Then read about Shawnahur, the first dragon king, and the founding of Muintir.