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Death and the Maiden (Alternate Cover)

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She was a grandmother. Now she’s young again. And she hates it.

Her last day at work ended in disaster, she missed her husband’s most important concert of the year, and if that wasn’t bad enough, now Alysia is stuck on a foreign world. A world where technology hasn’t evolved past the 19th century, and people still believe in magic.

Desperate to find her way back home, she ends up on a wild-goose chase to yet other worlds, where she discovers uncomfortable truths about herself and her past. Unable to cope with this new reality, Alysia loses herself in her efforts to help a young couple overcome a horrendous trauma.

Then people start dying and Alysia sees her hopes of ever making it back to Earth evaporate.


  • disability
  • mental health

If you enjoyed "Mistborn" or "The Silent Patient" you're going to love "Death and the Maiden"

This book deals with several difficult topics that may be triggering for many readers.

Looking for the alternate version cover? You'll find it right here.

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