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The nuts and bolts theory of Zero Waste, something real for a change

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In quite a lot of detail, this will show you how to actually eliminate waste of products, chemicals, appliances, plastic junk and more by getting scientific and looking for sources of the problems and coming up with solutions. It isn't really that hard, but you've got to put aside all the magical responses that SEEM to make sense - for the first ten seconds that some enthusiast explains it to you - so long as you don't ask any incisive questions. Recycling, Polluter Pays, Cleanup, Biodegradability, Circular Economy, Extended Producer Responsibility - these deceptive names mostly just try to snare your mind to focus on eliminating the obvious, visible and annoying end result, after it's too late - and ignore the sources of the problem. I'm sure you know that that is not the way to cure any problem of any complexity, much less one that could cause rich people to make less money through intelligent and scientifically based regulation of design and manufacturing. This paper is full of detail and is based on forty years of the analysis of how wasted items really come to exist.

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