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The Evangelist and Evangelism

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An evangelist is a man or woman chosen by God to spread the Good News (Gospel) of salvation through Jesus Christ. An evangelist is a speaker for God. He or she tells others about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior. The evangelist tells in words the story of Jesus and the purpose of His life, death and resurrection. An evangelist, in other words, preaches the Gospel. There is no greater message to preach. The Gospel is “the power of God to salvation” (Rom 1:16). The story of Jesus Christ includes how He came into the world; lived a perfect, sinless life; died on the Cross; rose up from the grave; and forever lives. The purpose of Jesus’ death was to take upon Himself God’s judgment for the sins of all people, and to destroy sin’s power. Jesus conquered death and defeated the devil and all of the powers of evil. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection bring hope to all people and take away fear. If you are an evangelist, you are God’s messenger with the most important news in the world again and again for the gift He sent them – someone who told them about Jesus and explained to them how they could have salvation and new life through Christ. The evangelist is one of the five servant-leader gifts given by Jesus (Eph 4:11). The evangelist is a gift to the Church because he or she brings people to Christ. People who are truly saved go into churches and learn how to follow and serve God. The evangelist is also a gift to the people of the world. He or she tells them the wonderful news about the Savior, Jesus, who died and rose again. Through the preaching of the Gospel, people hear how they can have their sins forgiven and receive eternal life. The preaching of the Gospel is the core of the evangelist’s ministry.

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