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๐‘บ๐‘ถ๐‘ท๐‘ฏ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ 3.0 ๐‘ท๐‘ฏ๐’€๐‘บ๐‘ฉ๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘บ & ๐‘ซ๐‘ท๐‘บ



โ FBT ready

โ Custom locomotion setup

โ Physbones

โ Facial gestures setup

โ DPS pussy, left/right hand, mouth, thighs, ass

โ NSFW Futa dick

โ Custom dissolve toggles

โ Switchblade with togglable blade

โ 3 different hair styles

โ Hair hue

โ Hair emmission slider

โ 4 hair colours

โ Hair black tips slider

โ Eye hue slider

โ Elf ear slider

โ cat and puppy set

โ white clothing swaps

โ 2 different glasses with glasses slider, tint, shape

โ tail wag anim

โ texture swaps/hue slider for hoodie and skirt

โ‹„ Contacts โ‹„

โ Ass slap sound / hand print

โ Nose boop sound/particles

โ Headpat facial animation/particles

โ‹„ Dissolve toggles โ‹„

Hoodie, T shirt, tanktop, Skirt, thigh socks, Pants, Backpack, Hat, Glasses 1/2, Blindfold, Bikini bra, panties, Garter, Converse, vans, Puppy/Cat set, individual facial piercing toggles, Necklace, Switchblade, Elf ears, Hairs,

โ‹„ Credits โ‹„

โ Female base Sugs#9795 My sculpt ~no reuse

โ Female head Sugs#9795 My edit ~ Retextured by HaAngel#2420 - No reuse

โ Eye lashes Nessy!#7402 Edited by me

โTattoos luni#0690

โ Hoodie & Tshirt KC#5344 Rerigged by me - Retextured by HaAngel#2420 - No reuse

โ Cat ears & Thigh socks Milky Mommy#6969

โ Tanktop Hayweee#1999

โ Tongue OniiGirii#5977

โ Wavy hair Saikura#0006

โ Short hair Cicieaaa#7777

โ Braids Sadge#3333 Edited by me

โ Ass slap Clem#6669

โ Bikini Pursu#6500

โ Braids bangs BokSil#9111 edited by me ~no reuse

โ Glasses 1 nini#0517

โ Glasses 2 Faevely

โ Converse/Vans Plaz#0891

โ Necklace bellybutton pierce kri#1214 Rerigged by me

โ Hat Wheez Edited by me

โ Dick Torinyan

โ Hoops north#5214

โ Skirt hoeyume # 5516 Re rigged by me

โ Blindfold babybeee#2201

โ Pants Alces#5127

โ Puppy set Cupcake

โ Garter VHS#0010

โ Switchblade Turbosquid

โ‹„ Requires โ‹„

โ Poiyomi pro 8.0.209

โ Latest SDK

โ DPS ~ optional

โ‹„ Rules & TOS โ‹„

โ Do not claim avatar as your own Do not upload publicly or to anyone but yourself

โDo not reuse any assets off this avatar for commercial or personal use You must purchase from the original creatorโDo not resell this avatar under any circumstancesโAll sales are final!

This Avatar is copyrighted!! And falls it under the Canadian copyright law.

For more info - Copyright law

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