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Stay Compliant: Do Your Own Monthly Extinguisher Inpections

This requirement is different from the annual maintenance.

Stay Compliant

Did you know that your extinguisher needs to be inspected monthly? This is different from the annual maintenance.

Here are the good news!

This course teaches you how to do your own monthly inspections in-house saving you money!

These inspections ensures that your extinguishers will work when needed and it is a requirement from the local fire authorities!

A free monthly tracker to help you conduct inspections is included with this course.

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Compliance Course: Monthly Extinguisher Inspections

This course teaches you how to do your own monthly inspections as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

A free downloadable fire extinguisher tracker is included with the course.

Course curriculum

Special Thanks To:

Photo by Nothing Ahead:

Photo by Zehra Gör from Pexels: