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Do Not be the machine that makes money create the machine

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I write short books "short yet very concise". What matters most is passing the message through to you. I try to reduce repetition and the Bla Bla Bla.

I have realized that these days people are bombarded with information and some started filtering the most important ones to keep.

Time is all you have and it is your most precious asset. What you do with it is of high importance, so choose carefully how you spend it and try to scale it by using the following in this book.

24 hours is all you get in a day, minus 8 hours of sleep, minus about 2 hours for routines, showers, shaves, dressing up, breakfast, Lunch, dinner and your relaxation time. You are quick to find that you do not have much time.

All people on this planet have the same amount of time. Billionaires and you have an equal amount of time. You cannot buy more time.

Spend it wisely.

This book will be broken into sections of how to make the machine that makes you money, that means multiple sources of income and passive incomes.

#smart #money #business #richness #financialfreedom #worksmart #passiveincome #ratrace #investment
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