paparazzi - project file
read before buying!!
ₓ paparazzi ft. evan peters project file for after effects cc 2022 or higher!!!!
ₓ necessary plugins:
sapphire, bcc.
ₓ optional plugins:
rsmb, magic bullet looks. (the project file will work perfectly fine if you don’t have these plugins installed)
ₓ usage
first of all, the project file only works for after effects cc 2022 and/or higher. it’ll not be compatible with any versions below that. my project files are for educational purposes only. they’re made so that you can learn how to certain keyframes, effects or transitions. you can also save certain transitions, shakes and/or effects as a preset, but it’s not allowed to replace the photos and repost the edit as your own or share the project file with anyone.
ₓ about the prices
if you have any concerns about the prices of my project files and think that they’re too expensive, please take into consideration that all of my edits take a lot of time to make. i personally (and some of the people i’ve talked to about this) believe that the prices are fair based off on the time and complexity of the edit.
ₓ what will you get?
after you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll get a download link where you can get the aep (= after effects project). the project file contains my effects and presets, but it doesn’t include the pictures and pngs used since the aep works perfectly fine without it! again, the project file is only for educational purposes, and all the effects etc. are still 100% visible without the pictures i used in my edits! (to make it look more well-arranged & easier to use, replace the clips with your own media)
ₓ refunds
i will not be giving refunds if your file won’t work because you haven’t read the description thoroughly, but you can dm me on @fluoreic on tiktok or @frogilous on instagram if you have any questions which are not answered in the description