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2024-07-17 Julie - I'm so sprained - Part 1 (02-2017)

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*** REAL INJURY *** 

Julie jumped out of the bus and sprained her left ankle badly last week - unfortunately she did not tell us earlier but at least we were able to make a little shooting with her before her ankle was totally OK again. She still needs to use crutches and keeps the socked foot in the air without putting weight on the lef foot. She crutches into a park and sits down on a bench. Then she needs help from the camera-man to hop to a nearby old airplane and some pictures are taken, then she hops back to the bench and her crutches - again with the help of the camera-man.


Keywords: sprain, one shoe, sock, pantyhose, crutches, hopping, limping

Format: MP4

Length: 10 minutes

Resolution: 1920x1080

You will get a MP4 (693MB) file

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