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The Fat-Loss Secret & Journey 減脂旅程的秘密

This e-book provides a summary of Daniel Tso’s knowledge and experience of being a professional personal trainer specialised in fat-loss transformation.

The 86-page bilingual (Chinese&English) e-book features:

- Stop just measuring your weight - Busting the misconception about fat-loss
- Jogging for hours a day wouldn’t help! - Effective exercises that Daniel provides for his clients (with video reference)
- What to eat and what NOT to eat - Diet instruction that Daniel’s clients follow to construct their own diet plans
- A few tricks make a difference! - Tips on lifestyle optimisation for effective fat loss

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這是一本86頁雙語的電子書,歸納了Daniel Tso作為健身教練對「減脂」的知識和經驗。


- 不要只量體重 - 破解人們對「減脂」的誤解
- 不要再發長時間跑步 - 介紹Daniel經常使用的「減脂」運動(附有影片作參考)
- 什麼應該吃什麼不應該吃 - 介紹Daniel對他客人提供的飲食建議
- 一兩個小方法已經會有很大的改變 - Daniel分享除運動及飲食外的「減脂」方法


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