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Reform in Indonesia has been rolling ever since 1998, but until now the nation of Indonesia is still facing serious problems. In the country, the issue of lack of confidence in the government, law enforcement, increasing the potential for disintegration, rising primordial spirit, ideological disputes, political, religious, moral decadence, poverty and unemployment, and the increasing destruction of the environment, the more threatening the continuity of the unity of the nation of Indonesia. From abroad in the form of globalism challenge for the country of nationality.

Observing the national life such a situation, for education there is no other choice but to carry out pro-active effort to arouse nationalism fostering the national spirit and love of the homeland of the learners as a successor to the nation's youth. By fostering nationalism through the process and learning methods Citizenship Education effective learners are expected to gain broad national awareness, so that they can understand and respond to the dynamics of the growing national problem, as well as foster a sense of independence and love of the homeland.

Civics become very urgent in the continued life of the nation and state of Indonesia today. To meet the demands of the changing times, needs to be developed study materials and learning models and evaluation system that enables the implementation of civics lectures at colleges run effectively. The lecturers need to perform the steps of strategic innovation, namely the standardization of the curriculum, and the object mapping studies, teaching methods and evaluation of results of competency-based learning civics. This measure aims to provide a reference achievement of competence and substance of learning civics studies and civics learning methodology for faculty universities throughout Indonesia.

This book was written by Mr. Budi Supriyanto already meet the criteria that have been established so that the bias is used as a reference for faculty, students and the general public who want to deepen the Citizenship Education.


Product Details

Book Title       : Civic Education

Author             : Budi Supriyatno

Number of pages: 293  page

Publisher         : CV. Media Brilian.    


                           Anggota Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia  

                           (IKAPI)/ (Member of Indonesia

                            Publisher Association (IKAPI)

Desain Cover : Lilik Hariawan

Cover Type     : Hard Cover

ISBN               : 978-602-97215-3-9

                          Perpustakaan Nasional catalog Dalam

                          Terbitan (KTD)/ (Library of Congress

                          Caaloging in –Publication (KTD)

Book Size        : 4.5 x 21 cm

First Published : 1 February 2014

Publishing in Language : English.


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