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Introduction to Weight Training - MALE 12 Week Program

As a personal trainer and coach, I have noticed a gap in the industry where more and more individuals are wanting to get into resistance training, yet they don't know or have any direction as to where to begin.
That's why I have designed the Introduction to Training eBook. 
The Introduction to Weight Training eBook is not only a guide to help you safely and effectively begin and continue training in the gym, it also includes a 12 week program, designed around the main principles of resitance training, so that you know exactly what to do whilst you're training and continue to progress.

- Males and females
- Beginner-intermediate lifters 
- Those looking for structure to their weight training routine 
- Both males and females looking to improve their physique and get stronger, through a holistic approach to weight training

- 12 week gym-based program
- How to get the most out of your training
- FREE rest and recovery guide
- Tips and cues to execute every exercise in the program, with diagrams 

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A$ 54.95

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