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May 2019 Empowering Women To Speak Out Magazine

Let's Celebrate!!!!!
5 Years Of Empowering Women to Speak Out Magazine 

10 Years In Business. 

Demetria Buie 34th Birthday. 

Empowering women to speak out is dedicated to empowering women to achieve their full economic potential for women around the world, we inform motivate, and Inspire women who are ready to be free and move forward in their lives. Empowering another woman; speaking up for another woman who can't speak for herself is more powerful than you think, your past was just a story to make you strong for your future, listen to another woman's story of how she overcame her past, and she talks about it without guilt, fear, or shame let's stand together, let's not stab one another in the back, but hug one another back. Empowering women to speak out has it all here, overcoming your past, overcoming your fears, owning your own business, having a successful marriage, being single, best movies, we have it all here for you. Get up and get all of what God has promised you. Be a girl who decided to go for it. Stop letting fear hold you back.

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