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2023-04-26 Suzy - My New Leg - Part 6 A (02-2023)

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Today is the day when Suzy's cast will be finally removed. We see her limping to the hospital, up the stairs and to the foot doctor's office. The doctor is just isn't there she she limps to the toilet first and back.

Then she gets the cast removes from her foot and this is managed without ripping her black pantyhose. The doctor tell's Suzy that she needs to walk now again but Suzy still cannot put weight on the left foot.

The doctor say "I have an idea ..." and leaves the room ...


Keywords: sprain, one shoe, pantyhose, cast, limping

Format: MP4

Length: 13 minutes

Resolution: 1920x1080

You will get a MP4 (906MB) file

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