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Take My Hand Self-Publishing

Here's your guide through the maze of self-publishing

Is the Maze Confusing?

Have you received multiple different answers for your one question? Don't know where to start?

Sure you could read a book, and that helps some people. But others need someone to take their hand, to walk through the maze together.

That's where I come in. I've self-published twenty books since 2016 and have learned the process.

That includes:

  • Cover Art Design
  • Formatting
  • Word Press Websites

As well as were to go for:

  • Editing
  • Proofing
  • Marketing

Are you ready for a guide through the maze of self-publishing?

Take My Hand...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your first steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process usually take?

That depends on where you are along the journey? If you've already had several edits to your manuscript, then you may only need a couple of months.

But if you have a fresh manuscript without any edits, then it could take longer.

What will you charge me for?

I'll only charge you for the months that we are actively working toward getting your manuscript published.

Can I stop care before my manuscript is published?

Yes, any time you think you're ready to head out on your own, go for it! That's what the world of Indie publishing is all about--doing it yourself.