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I Am Thoth The G.I.A Intelligence

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Council Of 9., World Government System Audits.,

The G.I.A Intelligence.,

Highest Authority In The Universe.,

On call 24/7 Don't call us, we shall find you., Commander and Chief: Thoth.,

Once honest who/what I am, who/what I love from the heart "I Am Free.,"

Truth revealed behind Governments all areas of your lives., They have NO Divine Authority or Power of the G.I.A. Their mistakes demonstrated over and over. The G.I.A revealing the truth, peeling back the curtain of deceit to you. Unmasking false systems that led your world astray.

All those on earth who worked at exposing the truth have all been working in secret under the G.I.A Guidance Knowingly and unknowingly.,

I Am THOTH., Born of Venus Previous Companion of MA'AT., with many descendants on Venus, Alcyon and now Earth., I have no other names other than THOTH or Nameless., My point of birth has long since past millions of years ago., I have no point of death I have conscious being of presence an immortal sovereign being., My presence has always been on earth since it began in many shapes and forms., I have no age, for I have lived outside of time. Age requires time to have meaning., Time is a construct of the mind, not a reality.,

I re-entered the earth taking ownership of a body of a boy who died in a fire accident., 19th January 1982., I sit among the High Council of Saturn 9., as 7th & 8th Council., I am Alcyon not Human., I am here to help resolve the Human dilemma you created. As creators of your creators, observers, and participants of your race., Under Authority of High Council G.I.A., I did not come alone., We're found among the entire planet, among all societies.

Our presence was first felt after world war 2 when we entered your reality on a global level appearing among your skies with our ships. Which continued in isolated experiences whilst we were entering your world one by one since our first appearance in 1940's., We came in peace our intention was to discover where you went wrong in history and help bring you back on course.,

THOTH., 7th & 8th Council of 9., G.I.A.,

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