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PGC 30-Day Challenge™ - Building Success

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People that keep doing the same thing but expect different results is not possible. Crazy some might say. It take 20 days to create a new habit and possibly remove the bad one that isn't working. We created a program to help new business owners align their mind with their goals in 30 days. On the surface it's a very simple concept. Those that have tried it say it's a life changing experience even though they thought about quitting many times. How does it work?

  1. Write down your goals for your business or career and what success feels like
  2. Take note of your daily successes 
  3. Give gratitude to attract more of what you want

Simple right! Setting up good habits that create success is not always easy. This program acts as a companion when you're trying to create new success habits. Using the laws of Vibration and goal setting methods assists you in achieving that dream you have been searching for. As you go through the 30-Day program, track your daily and weekly progress of your goals, vibrational levels, mindset change and more. 

What You Get:

  1. 30-Day Challenge Template (Electronic & Printable)
  2. Vibrational Chart
  3. Email support for 30 days

Are You Ready For The Challenge?

You will get the following files:
  • XLS (688KB)
  • JPG (39KB)