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Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms Worksheets

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To perfectly aid your current lesson plan, these worksheets will help students understand and expand their understanding when using formulas. The questions on each page will give more confidence to work with numbers and make it fun on their journey! Task cards are included.

Page 1: Find the surface area of each rectangular prism.
Page 2: Surface area of rectangular prisms word problems.
Page 3: Find the surface area of each present shown with the dimensions given.
Page 4: Finding surface area of rectangular shaped objects.
Page 5: Poster with formula for finding the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms.
Page 6 : Explains in detail how to use the formula the proper and easy way. (IMHO)
Page 7: By given an picture with dimensions the student will find the surface area and volume.
Page 8: Figuring out volume of rectangular prisms.
Page 9: Find the volume of each rectangular prism shown.
Page 10: Find the volume of each present shown.
Page 11-12: Task Cards in which students will figure out the surface area and volume of the rectangular prism shown.
Page 13: Answer sheet for students to write down answers from task cards.

The task cards can be laminated for longer use.

Answer sheets are included.

Total 23 pages.

Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas 𝘝 = 𝘭 𝘸 𝘩 and 𝘝 = 𝘣 𝘩 to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
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