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Q4 Holiday Plan VIP Day

Your Holiday Plan in a Day

Is the stress and anxiety already triggered at the thought of the chaotic holiday season? 

What if this year was different?

Instead of long lines, last-minute presents, traffic, grumpy holiday goers, slaving over meals and overwhelmed by business marketing and clients.

What if this year, you got ahead with a Simplified Holiday Plan that prevents overwhelm and you can enjoy guilt-free family time?

I recently did a Holidays Without Overwhelm Workshop walking other business owners through my process of creating a simple action plan to manage the holidays and get more done, without all the drama and chaos. 

This is the 1:1 personalized version of that.

Hi, I’m Jennifer, your Time Freedom & Intentional Living Strategist to help you go from stressed the max out to actually enjoying the USA holidays this year, all while running your business and taking time off.

During our time together, you tell me everything going on and what your ideal holiday looks like. From there I'll help you create an action plan all tied up in a bow.

WHAT: Customized Holiday Planning VIP Day for your life and business

WHO: I’m only taking 5 clients (I gotta have a life too ya know)

In your customized, focused VIP Day:

  • Q4 flexible action plan for your business and life 
  • Set boundaries
  • Make time for family and rest
  • Make space to prevent burnout
  • Actually enjoy the holidays with those you want to be around
  • Stay sane and on track during the holidays

Before Your Session...

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Do you offer longer term Coaching/Consulting?

For sure! Ask me about my small group program - Purposeful Pathfinders - for a hybrid group/1:1 concept with accountability and community as you take action.