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10 Steps to Winning Back Your Ex (Regardless of Who Ended the Relationship) (e-Book and Audiobook)

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Your girlfriend comes to you one day and says the words you never thought you'd ever hear her say...

"I... think we should break up."

From the moment she says those words, your mind goes into a frenzy trying to figure out what to do... what to say... how to convince her to not pull away and give up on what you two have.

You're hurt. You're frustrated. You're scared.

Most importantly, you feel blind-sided. How could this happen? How could you not see she was becoming unhappy in the relationship? Why couldn't she just come talk to you before it got to the breaking point?

And now, you want to know how to change her mind so she can be yours again... so you can hold her tightly in your arms... hear her laughing again... and have her feeling the same loving feelings she felt for you before.

At the same time, you know that begging for her to stay won't work. Making empty promises won't work. And trying to blow up her phone with "one more message" is more likely to scare her away.

So, what do you do?

"10 Steps to Winning Back Your Ex" is designed to not only give you insights into why the relationship ended, but proven steps and methods to get back the one that's (almost) gotten away for good.

In this e-Book you will discover:

  • Why most break ups happen in the first place - and why most men don't see it coming
  • The right way to respond when she asks for a break up
  • The biggest mistake most men make that prevent them from ever winning her back
  • How trying to apologize can actually HURT your chances of winning her back
  • "No Contact": What it is, what it isn't, and the right way to use it to get her thinking about you
  • How you should be spending your time during the separation
  • First contact: when it happens, what should you say? When should you respond? We break it down for you so you'll know EXACTLY what to do depending on the scenario
  • What to talk about during "the reunion" meet-up (and how to show up to jog her memory of you in a positive light)
  • Learn how to win her back without appearing needy or desperate
  • Tips to make sure she doesn't slip away again
  • How to use these same steps if YOU were the one that broke up with her
  • And so much more!

Breaking up is hard to do, but winning her back can be made a lot easier with "10 Steps to Winning Back Your Ex."

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