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Business Etiquette

Business etiquette isn't just about knowing what's polite; it's about creating a workplace where everyone feels respected and valued. This training will cover essential guidelines for navigating the professional world with grace and courtesy. From showing respect to yourself and others to mastering communication and technology, we'll explore how to foster positive relationships and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice good manners and common courtesy in business settings.
  • Understand and apply basic business etiquette to nurture professional relationships.
  • Cultivate self-respect and resilience, especially in challenging situations.
  • Engage respectfully with colleagues and team members, including those with disabilities.
  • Develop strong communication skills to sustain positive connections.
  • Utilize technology effectively in professional interactions.
  • Embrace traits of successful managers for everyday effectiveness.
  • Achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Course curriculum

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