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Why should You and your Family become members of the World Community of Amarna? #1. An honest assessment of the current Black Americans conditions and our social image, it's overwhelming evidence that Black America has a self-destructive culture, and its used to promote hyper sexuality to our children, the use harmful drugs and consuming perverse rap, lawlessness, and downplays educational achievement.

The current Black culture is used to promote single parent households, thus glorifies broken family structure. We need cultural reformation, to progress forward, and be reducatied in order to use social, political, and economic tools for community betterment. We have waited for Black groups to provide a community, and those groups (such as the Black Hebrew Israelites, the Nation of Islam, UNIA, Pan-African groups, Kemetic groups, and the Moorish Science Temple) has failed us, and their leadership has enriched themselves, and after about 130 years. We were deceived by Black leaders racial-pride rhetoric, as they proclaimed they were Nation-building. Yashua has been involved with all of these Black groups as a teacher and an organizer, so he knows first hand of the fraud of Black leadership, and he comes forth, to help our people become a better people.

Since the 1880's, Black Americans has jumped from group to group, from this leader/speaker to that leader/speaker, and now in 2024, according to data and Dr. Claude Anderson, Black America does not have 1 single community, no business districts, and we are an permanent underclass. Because of victimization and race-biased rhetoric from Black leaders, Black Americans do not understand how American politics work, therefore, We lack in cultural-societal progress as group of people, which renders us indigent and beggars, lacking the cultural inspiration to compete and succeed. Other ethnic groups come to America and surpass Black America, by simply applying their cultural/religious instructions, and their leaders lead their people to progress, while Black Americans, are still stuck in crime ridden unprotected areas, suffering with diseases, poverty, homelessness, under achieving school children in broken household structures, and programmed to gravitate toward alcohol/drug abuse and sexual promiscuity because of the self-destructive influences of Black Culture. Can you see Black America need cultural reformation? Can you see that We need a fresh start?

It's a fact, with all of the Black groups and their locations all over America, there is no excuse after 130 years, that Black America has not 1 single cultural nor even a religious community (reeducation centers, with a business district in every major city with stores and services, providing housing, employment, and entertainment). Instead of peace and safety, there is fear, terror, and everyday is like living their last day. We have more chuches and worship center in our neighborhoods, more than all other ethnic groups put together. You would think Black Americans is the most Godly people. But no that's makes us the most religiously brainwashed people. There is nothing wrong with religion. It's the Black religious leaders that are the problem, and the Scriptures, maps out this problem, which is why many Black leaders that do not want Black people reading the Biblical Scriptures.

To prove this claim, in Chicago, which is the headquarters for majority of important Black organizations, and We have nothing tangible or physical, show for donating to their causes. Yet, We have have more churches, mosques, masjids, cathedrals, temples and worship centers that all other ethnic groups put together. We are truly void of Divine connectivity, until the public mission of Yashua.He seen our hurt, how we are deceived, and come forth with a divine plan to advance our people forward, but we must follow his direction and start from scratch.

We must divorce ourselves from ineffective leadership, obsolete old Black organizations, cease listening to empty speeches. If We are honest with our current conditions, and understand we aren't progressing but are regressing into more enslaved state of mind, take this cultural reformation and re-education offered by Yashua the Reformer, who hold us accountable and and teach to take responsibility for repairing our own condition, just like all other people has. We get no where blaming others for the affects/effects of a destructive culture/conditions, when we have the ability now, to do upgrade our culture and self-determination, believe in ourselves as a group, and be loyal to our new culture, as the Jewish people are loyal to theirs, and we too will be successful. Beloved, It's really that simple. We tried the blame game and it resorted to us looking like beggars on the world stage. Let's take this a new approach, because we can improve our conditions and reverse many affects/effects the current self-destructive Black culture.

By the Spirit of the Lord (Joshua 1:8 and Zech. 4:6), We can NOW construct for ourselves (Matt. 4:17), a beautiful prosperous community... to establish a cultural re-education center to educate/instruct parents and our children (repair family structure), provide employment and skills for youth, secure a recreational center for our entertainment, and have stores and businesses to offer our cultural goods and services, and reinstall a sense of cultural pride and accomplishment for our people and community members.It was written that We would rebuild the waste places (Isaiah 58:12) and a renew our community. This is how a self-determined people honor God, their ancestors, and establish a progressive culture environment for their peoples safety, social advancement, and economic prosperity. Let's make history!

Learn About the golden chosen people of god

Learn about the Amarnians, how we are the chosen people of God, the people of the Book. Discover our forgotten culture and history, that has been restored in our time to resuscitate fallen humanity. It's the unfortunate but one of the greatest factual stories in history... and the Reformer is broadcasting our story all over the world.

Yes, Beloved ITS A NEW DAY ...Isaiah 57:14

This our time and this is the man to follow in this time, to achieve great things. No one, no thing, and no situation can stop an idea when its time has come to manifest in existence.

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Silver Membership

per week
Silver Membership (1 single person) includes:
*Email notification of news, events, podcasts, and weekly access to World Community Webcasts.  
* Get Discounted Offers on Merchandise.
* Weekly Access to World Webcasts.
* Access to University of Amarna (Coming Soon)
* Access to Members Only on Gospel & WCA websites.
* 10 Points Voting Rights within WCA
* 10% off Reformer News-Magazine (Coming Soon).

Gold Membership

per week
Gold Membership (for Husband & Wife or 1 single person), includes:
*Email notification of news, events, podcasts, and weekly access to World Community Webcasts.  
* Get Discounted Offers on Merchandise.
* Weekly Access to World Webcasts.
* Access to University of Amarna (Coming Soon).
* Access Members Only on Gospel & WCA websites.
* 1 Weekly Self-Improvement Ebook.
* 1 -30 minute 1 on 1 Video Session with the Reformer.
* 25 Points Voting Rights within WCA
* 25% off Reformer News-Magazine (Coming Soon).

Diamond Membership

per week
Diamond Membership (Husband & Wife or for 1 person (with option to add on husband of wife later), includes:
*Email notification of news, events, podcasts, and weekly access to World Community Webcasts.  
* Get Discounted Offers on Merchandise.
* Weekly Access to World Webcasts.
* Access to University of Amarna (Coming Soon).
* Access Members Only on Gospel & WCA websites.
* Access Self-Improvement Ebook & Course Library.
* Access to the Reformer's personal Audio/Video Library.
* 50 Points Voting Rights within WCA
* 50% off Reformer News-Magazine (Coming Soon).
* 1-1 Hour 1 on 1 Video Session with the Reformer.