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Five Pillars of Physiotherapy Career Longevity

A guide for physiotherapists to help plan a long and successful career while avoiding burnout.

Career success needs a plan.

Physiotherapy is an exciting and noble profession to work in.

However, burnout is common among physiotherapists globally. The profession can be physically, mentally and emotionally demanding for physiotherapists in many clinical settings.

These demands can be particularly challenging for new and recent graduate physiotherapists as they enter the early years of their careers, as they may not yet have the skills and habits to confidently explore their career pathway options and minimize the risk of burnout.

Five Pillars of Physiotherapy Career Longevity aims to:

  1. Help physiotherapists create a thriving and rewarding long-term physiotherapy career that best suits a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
  2. Minimize the risk of health practitioner burnout.

Create your ideal career.

This online course teaches five pillars or principles that will guide you to discover your ideal, unique physiotherapy career.

The course includes five self-paced modules that outline habits that will help improve your career satisfaction and success while reducing your risk of burnout.

These pillars will also help improve the value you bring to any clinical practice for the patients you treat and the clinical team you are a part of.

Have you come across these common challenges as a physiotherapst?

"I feel like I don't know enough!"

"What career options are available long-term?"

"What are the best professional development courses to take?"

"How do I build my private practice caseload?"

"I've been working for a couple of years, but I'm unsure what to do next!"

"I'm feeling burnt out with my work!"

Five Pillars of Physiotherapy Career Longevity aims to help physiotherapists develop the skills and habits of a successful clinician to navigate these questions and more.

Presenter: Luke McManus

Luke is a CAMPT-Certified physiotherapist in Ontario, Canada and also a registered musculoskeletetal physiotherapist in Australia.

He has been working in clinical practice since 2005 and is passionate about improving the longevity and quality of physiotherapists' careers.

Luke's university qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) from Curtin University in 2005
  • Master of Manual Therapy (University of Western Australia) in 2012

Course curriculum

Pricing plans

One-Time Payment

Life-long access to all five modules.
Access to all future course updates and modules.
Worksheets for self-paced study.


Pricing plans

One-Time Payment

Life-long access to all five modules.
Access to all future course updates and modules.
Worksheets for self-paced study.

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