山 Fushihime 不死姫 [PC, SPS, PCS, Gogo]
Watch the showcase on the other preview pages here https://jinxxy.com/Yamanochisen/Fushihime or here https://yamanochisen.gumroad.com/l/Fushihime
Jeans, Heels, Crystal Necklace by VapeQ
Hairstyles, Jacket, & Head by Saikura (Edited by me)
Body Base by pandabear (Original edit by Skuny)
Everything else is made from scratch by me (entire base outfit) ie. Crown, Leotard, Bikini, Corset, Tubetop, Puffs, Pasties, Thong, Skirt, Spiked Accessories, Head Tattoo, & Body Tattoo decal.
- NO REFUNDS: All sales are final; no refunds after purchase.
- DO NOT CLAIM the avatar/texture as your own: Always credit the creator.
- DO NOT SHARE or RESELL: Redistribution in any form is prohibited.
- DO NOT REUSE any assets without purchasing them from the original creator first.
- DO NOT UPLOAD the avatar publicly or give it to anyone else: The avatar is for personal use only.
- ALWAYS CREDIT THE CREATOR: When using the model in any promotional content (Twitch, Instagram, Twitter(X), etc.), credit Yamanochisen.
Note: If you experience any issues or concerns with your purchase, please contact me via Discord. Mutual respect and understanding are essential for a smooth transaction.
VCC, VRCFURY, POI 7.3/8.1, * UNITY 2022.3.6f1
Performance Rating: Very Poor
Triangles: 641,463 (Recommended: <70,000; Optimal: <32,000)
Skinned Mesh Renderers: 40 (Recommended: <16)
Material Slots: 80 (Recommended: <32)
Phys Bone Transforms: 294 (Recommended: <256)
Bones: 401 (Recommended: <400)
Texture Memory Usage: 245.16 MB (Recommended: <150 MB)
Phys Bone Components: 21 (Recommended: <4)
Phys Bone Colliders: 404 (Recommended: <32)
Particle Systems: 10 (Recommended: 0)
Phys Bone Collider Count: 15 (Recommended: <4)
Contact Components: 17 (Recommended: <8)
Max Particle Count: 545 (Recommended: 0)
Particle Trails Enabled: True (Recommended: False)
Audio Sources: 5 (Recommended: <1)
Social Media