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Personalized Training Programming

Aldo Paredes will work hands on with you to develop your workout or workouts based on your current physical and strength goals. These programs are designed to be followed for a 4 to 6 week period and adjustments will occur as needed.

Whether it is a workout focused solely on glutes and hamstrings or maybe you have decided that you want to do a full upper body based workout - these programmed workouts are highly effective and efficient in maximizing your potential in order to get to your goals.

Before Your Session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my gym doesn't have certain machines?

We always ask for the equipment/machines you have accessible to use prior to starting the program.

How long does the turn around take for 1-3 workouts?

The turn around is 7-10 business days.

Can I only get one workout for glutes?

For sure! You have the option of choosing how many personalized routines you would like to be made for you.