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Author/Publisher Mark McNease

Author, publisher, Guided Autobiography instructor, source of encouragement.

All things are of the substance of dreams ... what are yours?

Yes, you can!

I write, therefore I am. That's been true for me for years, and while we're many other things, for some of us being a writer is essential to how we see the world and how we express ourselves. We imagine worlds into being that hadn't been there before we created them. What are the basic building blocks of fiction, from character to story to plot? Explore all this in a 2-hour online intensive, at a price even struggling writers can afford.

One Time Workshop Fee


Limited to 10 participants per workshop. I’ve been writing since I was just a boy with an imagination and a notebook. In this workshop you’ll explore your own creativity as writers, learning what makes good characters, page-turning plots, and the illusion of conversation we call dialogue.

Have you wondered where story ideas come from? Or how to take an idea and turn it into fiction? What do you do when you get stuck? How are some of the ways we can keep ourselves going from the whisper of an idea to a full-fledged short story or novel? Learn structure, outlining, narrative, point of view, and more, as you become what you want to be, or what you already are: a writer. Yes, you can!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

A refund is gladly given if you cancel prior to the workshop. This is a 2-hour online workshop and once it begins a refund won't be offered. Workshops and classes that have multiple sessions offer refunds through the first session.

How does appointment scheduling work?

A Zoom link will be provided to all participants for the day and time of the workshop.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

Yes, if you see other workshops or classes, including those held in-person. Simply select each class or workshop and proceed to checkout!