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2023-04-21 Bonnie - Hippity Hop NonStop - Part 1 A (10-2015)

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Most accidents at home happen in the kitchen and this is an experience that little Bonnie makes today when she tries to take something out of the cupboard but it falls down and hits her left foot badly --- ooooh what a pain. Her foot hurts soooo much that she cannot really step on it anymore and must limp around in the apartment with her foot awkwardly crooked. After some time she calls the doctor and makes an apointment to get her foot checked.

Then she tries to put her boot on but it does not work, so she puts a sneaker on the left foot and limps out of the apartment. But just after a few steps she returns to the apartment and removes the sneaker and hops out of the door on one leg instead with the foot in the air ... 


Keywords: sprain, one shoe, sock, limping, hopping

Format: MP4

Length: 8 minutes

Resolution: 1920x1080

You will get a MP4 (552MB) file

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