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PRESALE "Dear Single in Love" Audiobook Bundle Offer

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Welcome to the Pre-sale page for the audiobook of "Dear Single in Love: 8 Principles for the Woman Waiting for her God Ordained Purposemate"

In 2016, God gave me this book to release, but I refused to write it because I did not feel qualified to write a book for singles since I was still single myself - I was still healing from my past relationships. But God kept pressing the book on my heart and I finally gave in. In 2018, I wrote the book, but did not release it until 2019. 

Often we focus on writing a book for those to read and we often forget individuals seek audiobooks. In November 2022, I decided to listen to God and went into the studio to finally record the audiobook version of "Dear Single in Love"

This audiobook will come with:
  • Bonus chapter God had me to include for an "present times" message to singles
  • Behind the scenes video of me recording the book
  • Special interview (video and audio) of Tanisha Shanee speaking on healing from unhealthy relationships and purpose
  • Total time: Over 2 Hours
Recording location: Pirate Studios, Ridgewood, NY
Video captures and photography by: Elroy Isaac (
Interview by: Kadi Conteh (IG @misskadi2)

Official Release Day - May 2023

"God, why am I still single?" Ladies [gentlemen], God never forgot about you... God is preparing you in this season for your God ordained purpose mate. In this book, we will discuss 8 principles that God needs foryou to address before that man can come into your life. No, this is not you waiting for Boaz - that was Ruth's husband. Let's start this 1st teaching of Pray. Listen. Obey.
You will get the following files:
  • PDF (1MB)
  • PDF (8MB)