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Anaya's Dilemma

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Anaya’s mission continues…..this time the mission is to save her own marriage, which is still a secret to most. Anaya discovers her handsome, sexy husband; Dr. Mos has some secrets of his own. A lover from his past will stop at nothing to destroy their relationship before the public royal wedding date. Anaya’s Dilemma is whether to believe the man she is desperately in love with or the woman who mysteriously shows up at their engagement party and wreaks havoc as the truth of their sorted past unfolds. Anaya is not the only one faced with a dilemma; after returning from New York, Ulan had a new lease on life, but soon finds himself faced with the dilemma of what woman he will spend the rest of his life with. One of whom came back to Africa with him and has asked him to adopt her daughter.

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