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Purposeful Battles

Everyone goes through trials, tribulations, and test. Which are all a vital part of life. Starting as a young child I endured bullying at school and domestic violence at home. Every day was literally a nightmare. I would wake up in the a.m. and think “here we go again”. I hated getting out of bed. Each day felt like impending doom, and the quick stand of life was slowly taking me under. Life can throw some pretty tough blows; I never thought I would make it out of bondage, but I’m here. What I’ve learned throughout all the test and trials is that one must endure in order to grow, reach goals, and find purpose. It is necessary. While going through it doesn’t feel good. Actually, some don’t make it through; because to the hurt is sometimes so unbearable, but giving up should never be an option. This book of poems and inspirations comes from my personal combats that I endured and survived from bullying, domestic violence, self confidence and many more obstacles that everyone has to face at some point in their lives. My test may not look exactly like yours, but they are similar.  I learned to channel my hurt and anger in a positive aspect. This book is my peace on paper. This world can be cruel and we can’t change everyone, but we can change how we react. My tribulations did not break me, because I surrendered myself to my higher power. His promise is to give hope and a future; if you just have faith and stay the course. We do not struggle alone and it’s time to stop struggling in silence.

$ 22.00

$ 22.00
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