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The Soccer Star, Book 2, A Keeper at Heart Romance

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A bad boy soccer star, a kind-hearted artist, a game neither planned on playing…

After her divorce, Lucy Martin left her small hometown for the big city, never expecting to return. Now, she's back, caring for her soccer-crazed nephew while his parents are deployed. She'll do anything to make him happy—including reaching out to her former high school crush and current soccer superstar, Ryker James.

Nursing an injury, Ryker plans to lie low at his parents' house until he heals. He can’t wait to rejoin his club and make amends for the trouble he caused. When the younger sister of a former teammate asks him for a favor—to coach her nephew's soccer team—he should decline. But boredom and attraction compel him to help Lucy.

Coaching forces them together, and sparks fly…on and off the field. But Lucy’s wary of romance, and Ryker can’t afford a distraction. Before the final whistle blows, will they take a shot at love or forfeit the match?

This is a revised, expanded version of a book previously published as It Started With a Crush.

These men know what they want, and love isn’t on their list. But what happens when each meets a keeper?

A Keeper series:
Book 1: The Groom
Book 2: The Soccer Star
Book 3: The Boss
Book 4: The Husband
Book 5: The Date
Book 6: The CEO
Book 7: The Navy SEAL

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