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My Special Girl

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While getting on Sunday, Joan felt a little unsteady and sat back on her bed after trying unsuccessfully to bend and put on her pantyhose. A wave of nausea came over her and she beat a path to the bathroom, getting to the commode with no time to spare as her body purged itself of the tea and muffin she had eaten for breakfast. Wretch after convulsive wretch Joan heaved the last remnants of that morning meal into the commode.

With the sour taste of vomit in her mouth she ran a cup of water only to be met with more retching as she tried to use it to cleanse her mouth. All Joan could do was struggle back to the bed, lowering herself as best she could and reclining in a fetal position in an attempt to quell the tide of the abdominal pains she was experiencing.

Joan’s first suspicion was she was pregnant but when she went several more weeks without any symptoms, she decided it must have been something she ate or was a touch of the flu. Then it happened again, violent abdominal pains and retching but since she had not eaten it was only non-productive heaving with nausea and pains lacking any comparison with anything she had known before.

It had now been almost six weeks since her evening with Jacque and Joan realized that she had missed her period. She was fairly certain that Jacque had gotten her pregnant and she had no way of contacting him to tell him of his impending parenthood. All too quickly, the events that led to her present condition came flooding into her head…
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