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Tactical Bodysuit.

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A Bodysuit with a Harness to give off that cool tactical feel.
This was weight painted to Panda's Heel Base, to prevent any minor forms of clipping,
use blend shapes to shrink the body underneath.

What You Get:
- The Bodysuit FBX includes both variants (Fullbody suit & Halfbody suit)
as well as the Harness which includes the Pistol & Knife.
- All Necessary Textures & Maps for Meshes

30,543 (Full bodysuit with all Accessories on)

30,675 (Half Bodysuit with all Accessories on)

Harness - 3 Materials

Pistol - 2 Materials 

Both Bodysuits - 2 Materials

Knife - 2 Materials

Texture Variants:
1 for each Mesh

- You can use them on whatever models you’d like. Free, Commercial, Personal, or Public.

- Credit me if used commercially by linking my PayHip is all I ask.

- If you DID NOT purchase this asset from me you are not allowed to use it for commercial use.

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