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Executive Summary

The significance of network security in shielding enterprises from cyberattacks is emphasized in the research. It emphasizes the importance of basic security concepts such the CIA Triad, authorization, and authentication. Strict access controls, network segmentation, frequent software updates, and reliable authentication methods are examples of best practices. Virtual private networks, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and firewalls are examples of technological fortifications that are essential for securing network perimeters. Future network security faces both opportunities and difficulties from emerging trends like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Zero Trust Security Model. A robust network security strategy must include both disaster recovery planning and prompt incident response. The worldwide reach of cyber dangers affects global commerce and creates difficulties for cross-border data protection. Anticipating trends necessitate preemptive measures and flexible tactics. It is advised to take a comprehensive approach, invest in future-proofing security to foresee and get ready for changing threats, embrace adaptive technologies like AI and ML, work with international partners and peers in the sector, and adopt a holistic approach.

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