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Eye of the Mother

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A distant star explodes. The ripples of its passing will rock the Empire.

When fate throws Brent Walker and Tian Axmar together, it’s strictly a business arrangement. She’s an Imperial agent with a problem to solve, he’s a space jockey with an empty bank balance and a tramp freighter for hire.

Somebody’s murdering Yrmaks and Humans, and leaving a mysterious calling card. Somebody wants interspecies war. Tian hires Brent to help her investigate, delving into Yrmak customs and beliefs to understand what’s going on. It’s an increasingly dangerous game, with more than just lives at stake. Before it’s over Brent and Tian will be faced with choices which will change both of them forever.

This novel introduces Brent Walker and Tian Axmar. Like the other Dryden books, it’s a space opera full of action and adventure, with a romance thrown in. Look for the next Brent and Tian book.

“This is a well written story like all her other books. Was not disappointed. And it had a wonderful ending.”

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