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Rosh Chodesh the Jewitch Way

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Have you ever felt drawn to explore the realm of magic but hesitated because you didn't want to compromise your Jewish identity? It's time to shatter the misconceptions and embrace a new path that seamlessly blends the rich traditions of Judaism with earth-based shamanic practices. The Jewitch New Moon Guide will empower you to integrate magic into your Jewish life like never before.

I understand the roadblocks that often hinder the exploration of magic within a Jewish context. The feeling of isolation, the misconception that you must abandon Judaism for other spiritual paths, and the limited exposure to Jewish mysticism beyond Kabbalah. It's time to break free from these limitations and open the door to a more expansive and authentic spiritual journey.

Rosh Chodesh the Jewitch Way, my New Moon Guide, is designed to support you in honoring and working with the moon's phases. With this guide, you will confidently navigate the lunar cycle from a Jewish perspective and deepen your connection to both the mystical traditions of Judaism and the natural rhythms of the Earth.

Release the belief that practicing magic requires abandoning your Jewish roots. The Jewitch New Moon Guide empowers you to embrace your Jewish identity while expanding your spiritual practice. 

Harness the energy of the lunar cycle and align your intentions with the moon. The guide provides step-by-step instructions, rituals, and practices to connect with the moon's transformative energy, manifest your desires, and cultivate personal growth.

Explore the profound intersection between Judaism and earth-based shamanic practices. Tap into the wisdom of nature, connect with the elements, and infuse your Jewish rituals with a renewed sense of vitality and sacredness.

Don't let misconceptions or the fear of isolation hold you back any longer. Embrace the Jewitch path, honor your Jewish heritage, and unlock the mystical power within you. Step into a realm where Jewish magic thrives, and your spiritual exploration knows no bounds.

What People Are Saying:

I love this!! I converted to Judaism and then have moved away from it quite a bit in favor of more generalized spirituality, but I would love to see how it could all be integrated. I look forward to reading your guide! - Anonymous

This sounds very helpful and friendly. And supportive. - Anonymous

*This item is available to Chai Level members of Living Moon Chavurah.

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