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7 Day Credit Repair Course

Cash is King, was once a powerful statement, but in today’s digital world, credit runs the kingdom. Credit affects every aspect of life today. Even if you have a great career and boat loads of cash, you will still need a good credit score. myCredit System is a credit education system that empowers people to build stellar credit, eliminate their debt, and grow their cash flow.

Before You Can Begin- Do This First

Before you can begin to repair your credit report, you must first know your credit score and what negative items are being reported. There are numerous websites where you can get your credit score and report.

  • - this website provides free credit reports and is authorized by Federal Law. However, this website does not provide credit scores.
  • - this website provides credit report from all three main credit bureaus as well as FICO scores. They offer credit monitoring and monthly FICO score updates.

Welcome to the myCredit Repair System

The myCredit System is a do-it-yourself credit repair training that can teach individuals how to repair; rebuild; and maintain a great credit score.

Finanically Fabuously Fit

Course Curriculum

Step 1: Pull Your Credit Report

Step 2: Freeze Secondary Bureaus

Step 3: Check for Errors

Step 4: Start the Dispute Process

Step 5: Credit Utilization

Step 6: Build Credit
