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Grade 3 PRINTED Calendar Pieces Every Day Counts

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The printed 2023 edition of Every Day Counts Calendar Math Calendar Pieces for Grade 3 is published by Gillespie Kanter Group, LLC. These are printed in color and perforated, as previously published and sold by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and is still a tried and trusted way to teach "A Lot of Math in a Little Time."

The package includes the calendar pieces for each month, Aug./Sept.-May/June.

Each month’s unique Grade 3 Every Day Counts calendar pattern of colors and geometric shapes will provide lots of “math to see and talk about”.

Topics throughout the school year to guide your focus questions and student thinking for preview and review include:

  • multiples and factors, basic x and ÷ facts, and division with remainders
  • mental math for sums and differences, fractions of a set, equivalent fractions
  • classifying and naming triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons by attributes
  • defining 3-D shapes using the language of geometry
  • understanding congruence, rotation, reflection, and symmetry
  • using In/Out function tables and algebraic reasoning to make predictions

As each piece appears, students have fun sharing observations, seeing number relationships, and justifying predictions while building math language and understandings over time.

For more information about using Every Day Counts Calendars see

For use with Every Day Counts Calendar Math Kits (2012, 2005) or alone. 

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