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Two male hairs

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Two hairstyles that both use the same rig. They're UVmapped for my own alphas and textures.

The hair asset is intended to be used with a hair cap texture that goes on the head you're using, so the scalp doesn't peek out when looked at up close :p. There's one included for Leo head. If you don't have a hair cap that matches the high hairline, you can paint with roughly the color of the hair, or just assign the hair material onto parts of the scalp. I also rotated the whole rig a little to match latest update of Leo head.

This product has been updated 11/05/23. It used to only include the curly hair, but I wanted to add the straight one as well. I've also made the weight painting smoother and fixed a few UV tiles that were bugging me. Anyone who's bought the hair before the update now owns both of them.

  • 14,670 and 10,028 tris
  • 8 colors, the product pic says 7 because I'm bad at math
  • Uses alpha, so PC only
  • rigged for PhysBones. 21 bones total.
  • purchase includes hair cap texture for Leo head


  • To be used on finished VRChat models. You can sell on finished avatars only.

  • You must credit me and link back to my store when you're using it commercially.

  • Do not sell or upload my assets on their own or share them with others and don't claim them as yours.

You will get the following files:
  • ZIP (13MB)
  • ZIP (12MB)