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Seducing Spirits and Doctrines Of Demons

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Recently the New Age Movement has been gaining widespread popularity. With all of its glamour, sponsorship by celebrities, and supernatural activities, it is alluring millions into its web of deception. There, caught in a demonic seduction, Satan is conspiring to attack and victimize the world—inoculating the world with a deadly serum—a serum that will eventually mesmerize the world over with supernatural phenomena unrelated to God. R This tragedy is far worse than we could ever state. There is a worldwide seduction taking place now, and we, as the Church, must know how to respond. The Church is not unaffected by these seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. Another satanic seduction is taking place. This one is by far more serious, for it is a seduction occurring right in the midst of the Church. Some, because of a God-given hunger for the supernatural, are intruding into realms of the Spirit without the assistance of God. It looks right, and it sounds spiritual, but there is a hook in these new teachings that eventually could hurt the Church and throw it off into error as damaging as that of the New Age Movement. It is time to stand up and shout the truth about this potential danger. A great delusion is taking place! It is time for us to come before God in all honesty—confessing our lack of power, lack of revival, and lack of God-given visitations. Then we will be in a position to receive the real move of God's Spirit we all desire. 

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