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Nurturing Digestive Health

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For many months after my last treatment from you I felt so good and did not notice my abdomen at all. One time I felt as though I had another bowel obstruction. I used the material you gave me and did self massage for a day and it cleared up. 

I truly feel that the techniques you taught me saved me another hospital stay without a doubt!
~S. S., Bethesda, MD

Why Address Your Digestive Health?

By engaging the tools, suggestions and recommendations shared within these pages, you will learn to transform challenging, and often complex symptoms into a much improved state of being. Symptoms that have kept you preoccupied, concerned and unable to engage life in the way you envision, will begin to improve and sometimes resolve completely.

By implementing the tools, suggestions and recommendations provided within these pages, you will have a broader understanding on what you need to do to improve your digestion, and, by extension, your overall health.  

Your Choices Matter

Health is enhanced by the quality of air, water, environment and nutrition we choose. This alone, is justification for environmental regulation of polluting industries. What we nourish ourselves with greatly impacts our psychological states, mental clarity, our energy levels and the resiliency of our immune system. What we allow ourselves to ingest visually, auditorily and energetically is equally important. Quality nourishment is intimately entwined with the health of our relationships, the soil, water and air, that create the food we eat, supporting our ability to flourish despite life’s challenges.

How Will I Guide You to Make  Healthier Choices?

I teach you how your body actually works, providing diagrams, and private Youtube videos to further explain how therapies, and choices I recommend that you implement will begin to improve your health.
  • Why bodywork for the vagus nerve is an essential beginning step as you begin to heal your digestion.
  • How to fine tune your eating choices to your bodies needs,
  • Education about the microbiome and how to optimize it’s health;
  • Why it is foundationally essential to detoxify your body from environmental and dietary pollutants,
  • Specific diets that may help you on your journey.
  • Herbs and formula’s to support digestive challenges.
  • If you need more personalized guidance, you can schedule a remote consultation with me.

The process of consciously engaging methods to improve your well being will provide you with immeasurable benefits; better moods, energy, fewer symptoms and the ability to create the life you envision!

68 pages.
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