The perfect plot GUIDE
This guide is a summary with the professional advice from Esther and her team (passive house architect with 20 years of experience). You get:
1) Ebook guide in PDF format with:
- 10-item list of tips explained
- 9 support links to check your plot’s: sun position, shadows from other buildings, soil’s geologic data and soil’s damaging gases maps.
- 21-item questionnaire guide to help organize your plot's search
2) One full estimation cost of your green home.
You will be able to download a spreadsheet with all the full costs of a green home project built close to Barcelona during 2023.
3) One session with an expert (15 minute to answer all your questions)
May you've already had one free consultancy with Esther before purchasing this guide; the 15 minutes won't be repeated.
This guide will save you time, money and headaches to plan your green home adventure.