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Introducing the "Lightworker Witchcraft Class," where we'll explore topics such as love, empathy, spiritual awakenings, metaphysical practices, human consciousness, planetary shifts, and emotions. We'll delve into light work, the new earth, dimensional shifts, spiritual alchemy, shadow work, star seeds, and new age spiritual beliefs, examining their pros and cons and their portrayal on social media and in real life. The title is controversial because it combines lightwork, associated with healing and positivity, with witchcraft, often misunderstood and stigmatized as involving darker practices. This perceived incompatibility can create tension, evoke historical and religious sensitivities, and raise concerns about cultural appropriation. Some purists also argue that blending these practices dilutes their authenticity and commercializes spiritual traditions. Despite these issues, the class aims to bridge these spiritual paths, offering a holistic approach to personal and spiritual development by addressing both light and shadow aspects.

Lightworker Witchcraft Class 2024

Introducing the "Lightworker Witchcraft Class," where we'll explore topics such as love, empathy, spiritual awakenings, metaphysical practices, human consciousness, planetary shifts, and emotions. We'll delve into light work, the new earth, dimensional shifts, spiritual alchemy, shadow work, star seeds, and new age spiritual beliefs, examining their pros and cons and their portrayal on social media and in real life.

Lightworker Witchcraft Class 2024

Introducing the "Lightworker Witchcraft Class," where we'll explore topics such as love, empathy, spiritual awakenings, metaphysical practices, human consciousness, planetary shifts, and emotions. We'll delve into light work, the new earth, dimensional shifts, spiritual alchemy, shadow work, star seeds, and new age spiritual beliefs, examining their pros and cons and their portrayal on social media and in real life. The title is controversial because it combines lightwork, associated with healing and positivity, with witchcraft, often misunderstood and stigmatized as involving darker practices. This perceived incompatibility can create tension, evoke historical and religious sensitivities, and raise concerns about cultural appropriation. Some purists also argue that blending these practices dilutes their authenticity and commercializes spiritual traditions. Despite these issues, the class aims to bridge these spiritual paths, offering a holistic approach to personal and spiritual development by addressing both light and shadow aspects.

Class Snippet- Lesson Plan Overview

Introducing the "Lightworker Witchcraft Class," where we'll explore topics such as love, empathy, spiritual awakenings, metaphysical practices, human consciousness, planetary shifts, and emotions. We'll delve into light work, the new earth, dimensional shifts, spiritual alchemy, shadow work, star seeds, and new age spiritual beliefs, examining their pros and cons and their portrayal on social media and in real life.

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Plan 1-Lesson 1

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Class Snippet - Intro 1

Course curriculum

Class Snippet -"Lightworker Syndrome"

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