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Is This You?

  • Do you want to have more energy and not feel like you are rushing around all day just trying to catch up?

  • Do you want greater focus so you can zip through your daily tasks quickly and efficiently?

  • Do you need the proverbial kick up the butt to get started?

  • Do you hate being distracted when you are with your kids?

  • Do you hate feeling frustrated all the time and not being able to enjoy the moment?

Exhausted & Frustrated

It's not just you.

For many juggling every aspect of our fast paced lives keeps us in a constant state of fight or flight.

Don't get me wrong a little bit of stress is good to help motivate us, but being on the precipice constantly takes a toll on our body and our mind.

Having no downtime to refill and recharge leaves you heading for burnout, pretty quickly.

Is your self-care moving further and further down your list of things to do?

Do you want an easy-to-follow plan to include some form of self-care in your daily routine?

Course curriculum



I Get It

I do, trying to juggle everything feels like a never ending job. Kids, work, home, family, friends, social engagements.

By the time it's all done there's no time for you and even if there is, you're so exhausted you just want hide under a blanket and hope no one finds you for a few hours.

And the thought of adding something else to your never ending to-do-list does not fill you with joy.

This course will help you to create space so you can zip through your to-do list with ease and clarity. When you see what a difference these little pockets of self-care, make to your mental well-being and in turn the well-being of those around you, you'll wonder why you waited so long.

Make it happen. It's possible for YOU

  • This 30-day course will help you get started with implementing easy self-care actions into your daily routine.
  • Little bite size things that you can do to help regulate your nervous system.
  • Deal with issues that arise from a calm space.
  • Keeping you accountable with daily actions and a journal for you to record what works for you.
  • Build your self-care toolbox.
  • Learn what activities fill your cup.

What You Get Instant Access To on Sign Up

  • A new self-care activity every day for 30 days for you to implement into your daily life, so that it's easy to stick to. You could even set a reminder on your phone, building YOU time into your day, everyday.

  • A 30-day Self Care journal, to help you be accountable and record your thoughts, feelings and actions. You can build your self-care routine from how each activity made you feel.

  • A tracker to record which activity made you feel the best or helped you the most, from here you can decide how often you practice your favourite activity.

  • A dedicated Facebook community, to support you with accountability and encouragement.






"Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation."