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Staffordshire Meditation Class Teacher Workshop

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There is a large body of evidence to show that regular use of meditation and relaxation techniques help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote a good work/life balance.

This course concentrates on the practicalities and logistics of running meditation classes; presentation skills, dealing with challenging class members, suitable class themes, planning classes and courses, advertising and so on. This means it is useful to you whether your approach to mediation is secular or spiritual. It also means you have skills which can be generalised to running other types of group. 

 (Please note - the course focuses on the practicalities of designing, organising and presenting classes. It assumes you are already familiar with meditation. If you are not, we suggest signing up for our Mindfulness in Therapy course first.)

Completing the course

When you enrol for the course you will be sent details of the pre-course reading and preparation. Please read these carefully and contact us with any questions.

The course will be held at

Dreamcatcher, Leek, 6 Getliffe's Yard, Leek, ST13 6HU

on Sunday, October 29th, 2023

Please arrive at 9.30 am, we will run until 5 pm.

You will get a PDF (404KB) file