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Tiny Voice Collection

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This is a great collection with 70+ presets and 9 patches making use of Mark Barton's monophonic and polyphonic Tiny Voice modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio. These modules are deceptively small and seem incredibly simple but compared to the famous heroic synths of the seventies, Tiny Voice is at least as versatile and, in any case, both technically and sonically superior to anything available in both hardware and software when you are looking for the authentic analog sound of the seventies.

Please note! This package of patches and presets only works if you have the full version of Voltage Modular and both the monophonic and polyphonic versions of MRB's Tiny Voice available from

Bonus! As a bonus, we included a pack with 6 Harmonia patches and 30+ Voltage Modular Harmonia presets as a demo teaser of something we are currently working on. For this you will need to have Cherry Audio's Harmonia VSTi to work with it.

You will get the following files:
  • ZIP (23MB)
  • ZIP (63KB)