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The Witchy Haggadah

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Are you tired of piecing together bits and fragments from various Haggadot attempting to create a Passover seder that reflects your witchy Jewish spirit? Instead, you can embrace the transformative power of a single, comprehensive guide. What if you could have the One Haggadah to Rule Them All?

If you're like most witchy Jews, you've likely settled for a seder that only partially meets your unique views or spent countless hours searching for supplemental materials to supplement a traditional Haggadah.

While it's one approach, there's a looming problem—this process consumes an immense amount of time, leaving you with a Haggadah that falls short of your needs.

Does this sound familiar? You find yourself hunting down fragments here and morsels there to satisfy your spiritual hunger. Explaining the plagues becomes a chore, and the forgotten women of the story go unnoticed. How about symbols that address today's issues? After all, we are to imagine ourselves as if we were there. And if you're seeking gender-inclusive language, you might feel like throwing in the towel! Let's face it—obtaining the Haggadah of your dreams demands massive amounts of time, effort, and potentially even money.

Introducing The Witchy Haggadah—an enchanting blend of earth-based, modern Judaism interwoven with the traditional Haggadah you know and love.

The Witchy Haggadah offers:

  1. Women of the Exodus: Dive into the stories of the matriarchs and the remarkable women who played crucial roles in Moses' journey, making the entire liberation possible.
  2. Gender-free English blessings with recommendations for where to find masculine, feminine, and nonbinary Hebrew alternatives
  3. Modern Food Additions: Engage in discussions surrounding contemporary issues, intertwining them with the rich tapestry of the Passover story. Explore how our traditions can provide guidance and insight into the challenges of our times.
  4. Rituals and Customs of Earth-Based Spirituality: Unleash the power of Earth-based spirituality within the framework of the seder. Incorporate the rituals and customs that celebrate the interconnectedness of nature and our spiritual journey.

And much, much more!

With The Witchy Haggadah, you will finally have everything you need to host the seder you've always yearned for—a seder that reflects your unique perspective and honors the richness of tradition and modernity.

Now, let's address the question of value. Would you trade the perfect Haggadah for the price of a pizza? Since ordering pizza during Passover is out of the question, why not redirect that money and invest in the Haggadah you've always desired? For the cost of a few pizzas, you can host a seder like never before. This investment in your spiritual journey is a small price for the transformative experience that awaits you.

Don't wait any longer. Embrace the magic of Passover with A Haggadah for Witches and embark on a seder experience that will leave you feeling spiritually nourished, connected, and empowered.

Get your copy today and unlock the true potential of your Passover seder!

What People Are Saying:

I read the Haggadah and it is absolutely stunning and so needed. Thank you so much for your creation. - Ally F.

It’s wonderful, thank you for making this available. - Claire B.

*This item is available to Chai Level members of Living Moon Chavurah.

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