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CUSTOM Kashyyyk

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Custom Kashyyyk // Battlefront II


Kashyyyk was a temperate jungle planet orbiting around a single star located in the Mytaranor sector of the Mid Rim. The planet had a complement of three moons, one of which was orange. The planet had no axial tilt and a perfectly circular orbit, causing it to lack seasons. The center of the planet was covered with a tropical ocean belt, which contained a number of islands and large coral reefs.


– Republic Venator WITH interior
– Separatist beach!
– Wookiee Huts and Bridges
– Three SEPERATE Sections of the map that all connect to one another through either Wookie huts, bridges, swamps!
– Swamp Section of the map that you can overlook with the wookie huts and bridges that you can scale above OR trek through!
– Forrest section that you can have epic battles in and fights with wookie huts that have cover to protect you from the separatists below!
– Battlefront II Layout directly from the game, has the look and feel of Battlefront!
– And much more!

Amazing visuals and graphic content!
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