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Holistic Health & Natural Hygiene Doctor

Natural Hygiene is part of Alternative Medicine. It is a study of Health Sciences. It is further defined as the Science and Art of restoring and preserving health. The human body contains the power of self-healing (without medication). Natural Hygiene can help you heal by removing the causes of disease and allowing your body to eliminate toxins.


My name is Justyna Kwasniewicz. 

I have been interested in health and nutrition since I was a child. It has always been clear to me that suppressing symptoms with medication does not solve people's health problems. In my youth, I began studying Alternative and Complementary Medicine, becoming an expert in my field. With the discovery of Natural Hygiene, I started practicing a healthy lifestyle, raw food diet, and water fasting. The results are amazing!

I believe our body heals itself if we follow the simple rules of living and eating that every other creature on this planet follows. 


  • Doctors blame evil monsters, called viruses and bacteria, for causing disease;
  • They chemically alter body functions to suppress or control symptoms;
  • They treat individual parts and symptoms of the body instead of treating the whole person, taking into account mind, emotions, and physical body;
  • They offer relief by using medications or surgery. Effects are superficial and temporary;
  • Surgery is used to remove the final result of the disease process, often permanently damaging the body;
  • Synthetic chemicals are used for treatment, causing inevitable and numerous side effects due to going against the body;
  • High cost of diagnosis and treatments;
  • Continued expenses to maintain symptom relief;
  • They do not give any importance to the correlation between diet, lifestyle, and health;
  • Treatments are offered only after a medical condition has been diagnosed;
  • Modern medicine claims that a drug that can kill a healthy person will cure a sick person instead.


  • Hygienists never suppress the symptoms (by using drugs, herbs, or natural remedies) but concentrate on removing the cause of the disease;
  • We don't diagnose the disease. We analyze and evaluate conditions, symptoms, and lifestyle habits;
  • We don't treat a specific disease. We teach natural health principles and lifestyle habits to remove the cause of toxemia;
  • We do not use invasive medical procedures and do not prescribe drugs;
  • Hygienic physicians do not use alternative health procedures such as homeopathy, herbology, colon therapy, naturopathic nor chiropractic medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, magnetism, hydrotherapy, etc.


  • The primary causes of disease are toxemia, stress, overworking, overeating, taking unhealthy substances, etc.;
  • Germs, bacteria, and viruses are not the cause of diseases;
  • Medicines are poison to the human body;
  • Vaccinations are not effective, not safe, and damage the immune system;
  • Radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other invasive therapies are highly harmful to a human organism;
  • Supplements are useless and harmful. We should get all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from our food;
  • Water fasting enables the body to eliminate defective cells and toxins.

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"If the cure doesn't remove the cause, it's not a cure, it's a scam"

— Herbert Shelton

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"No poison can ever cure a sick person"

— Hippocrates

Natural Hygiene is a philosophy of healthy, natural living. Lifestyle changes, proper diet, and fasting are all that are necessary to prevent and treat diseases:


When people live in harmony with their physiological needs, health is the inevitable result. By supplying the organism with its basic requirements (natural, unadulterated food; sunshine; clean, fresh air; pure water; appropriate physical, mental, and emotional activities; and a productive lifestyle) while simultaneously eliminating all harmful factors and influences, the self-constructing, self-regulating, self-repairing qualities of the body are given full rein.


  • Eat only when hungry;
  • It is best not to eat between meals or at bedtime;
  • For better digestion, respect the right combination of foods;
  • Do not drink water with meals. Drink water 15 minutes before meals or two hours after a meal;
  • Eat moderately and chew your food well.
  • Do not use any spices or salt;
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks or alcoholic beverages. Avoid coffee and tea;
  • Do not eat when tired or emotionally upset. Rest and wait until you have recovered from either state;
  • Do not eat immediately before or after intense physical or mental exertion;
  • Eat only natural, live, unprocessed foods.


Fasting is the most favorable condition in which the sick body can purify and regenerate itself. Fasting is complete abstinence from all liquid or solid foods except water. During fasting, the body's regenerative forces are built up, and all its energy is directed to recharging the nervous system, eliminating toxic buildup, repairing and rejuvenating tissue. In the tissues of each organism, there are reserves of nutrients that it will use to carry out metabolism and repair work. Until these reserves are depleted, there can be no destruction of healthy tissue or starvation.



WhatsApp: +39 3662570627

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