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Littles Bloom Shop

Emotional learning fun with printable activity books, games, journals, posters & more to help little kids learn about feelings, grow their emotional awareness, and learn how to deal with feelings in a fun, kid-approved way!

Want to stay updated on new products & ways to support little kid's emotional well-being? Join the email list & get a free preview of the Feelings Funbook!

Activity Books

Activity books for little kids to discover feelings, and learn how to manage those big feelings with fun activities. Emotional learning doesn't have to be boring! These activity books help littles learn with coloring, drawing, cutting, pasting & fun rhymes.

Want a free preview of the Feelings Funbook? Click the button below to get your preview today!

Feelings Funbook - Activity Book

Feelings Finders Activity Book


Feelings Card Games


Feelings Tic-Tac-Toe Game


Jar O' Happy - Activity Sheets


My Feelings Journal


Therapy Office Wall Decor


Feelings Wall Art/ Posters


About Me

Hi! I'm Melody, Founder of Littles Bloom. As a mental health professional, I’ve helped many different little ones & families grow in their emotional awareness, change their relationship with big feelings, and emotional skill build for long-term emotional wellness.

I teach these skills in a way that meets little kids at their developmental level & on a personal level. 

Every little kid is different & with a little experimenting and fun we can discover what works for them, and give them something that becomes part of life skills that they can apply over & over again!